Favourite breakfasts from around the globe...
We’re busy writing departure documents this weekend for clients leaving on their August summer holidays. And surprise, surprise…the ‘What to eat & where to eat it’ section is taking up a lot of our time, love and attention.
Our clients travelling to Costa Rica later this month are in for a real foodie treat. Gallo Pinto, meaning spotted rooster, is one of the most common breakfast dishes in Costa Rica. It is a blend of rice, beans, onions, pepper, coriander, and sweet plaintains. Topped with a fried egg & cheese, add salsa lizano or lime. We’d be washing this down with a Naturales - a local term referring to the fruit & vegetable juice found on sale on most street corners & roadsides across the country, often sold by local farmers. Our faves are mango, pineapple & lychee.
Tell us, where’s your favourite place in the world for their local breakfast?
Gallo Pinto